Research Experience

    Project specialist
    2023 - present
    AllGenetics & Biology SL
    Postdoctoral Visitor
    2023 - 2023
    Clare lab, Dept. of Biology, York University (Toronto)
    Laboratory specialist
    2020 - 2022
    Laboratory of Molecular Systematics & DNA analysis, Swedish Museum of Natural History
    PhD in Systematic Zoology and Evolution
    2015 - 2020
    Ronquist lab, Dept. of Bioinformatics and Genetics, Swedish Museum of Natural History & Dept. of Zoology, Stockholm University
    Research internship
    2012 - 2015
    Noreña lab, Dept. of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, National Museum of Natural Sciences of Spain
    Research internship
    2012 - 2013
    Marine Zoology lab, Dept. of Zoology, Complutense University of Madrid


    PhD in Systematic Zoology and Evolution
    2015 - 2020
    Stockholm University
    Master in Evolutionary Biology
    2013 - 2014
    Complutense University of Madrid
    Bachelor in Biology, specializations in zoology and ecology
    2007 - 2013
    Complutense University of Madrid.

Teaching & Lecturing


    Eukaryotic metabarcoding 7th edition
    Co-instructor. Physalia Courses, July 2022, online
    Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods in ecology and conservation
    Invited lecture. Lund University, May 2021, online
    Eukaryotic metabarcoding 6th edition
    Co-instructor. Physalia Courses, February 2021, online
    Eukaryotic metabarcoding 5th edition
    Co-instructor. Physalia Courses, February 2020, Berlin


    A Coruña DNA metabarcoding workshop
    Invited speaker. AllGenetics & Universidade da Coruña, June 2018, A Coruña
    Insects' sampling and NGS analysis
    Speaker and participant. Gothemburg University, February 2017, Gothemburg
    BIG4 'Phylogenetics, phylogenomics, Citizen Science and Etrepreneurship'
    Organizer, lecturer and participant. BIG4 Project, November 2016, Stockholm

Grants & Scolarships

    Juan de la Cierva
    Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, REF FJC2021-046517-I (declined for Postdoctoral Visitor position in York University, Toronto). Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network
    BIG4 Project, European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, grant agreement No. 642241

Congresses & Conferences

    VIII International Barcode of Life Conference, IBOL 2019
    Oral presentation
    Trondheim, Norway, June 2019.
    VII International Barcode of Life Conference, IBOL 2017
    Oral presentation
    Kruger National Park, South Africa, November 2017
    ForBio annual meeting
    Bergen, Norway, April 2017
    XVI Young Systematists' Forum, YSF 2014
    Oral presentation
    London, United Kingdom, November 2014
    XVIII Iberian Symposium of Studies in Marine Biology, XVIII SIEBM
    Gijón, Spain, September 2014
    XXX Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia
    Porto Alegre, Brazil, February 2014
    II Iberian Congress of Biological Systematics, CISA 2013
    Barcelona, Spain, September 2013

Courses & Workshops


    Eukaryotic metabarcoding
    Physalia Courses. Instructor: Owen Wangesteen. February 2017, Berlin, Germany
    SciLifeLab. Various instructors. November 2015, Uppsala, Sweden
    Introduction to bioinformatics using NGS data
    SciLifeLab. Various instructors. November 2015, Lund, Sweden
    Taxonomy and systematics of tropical polyclad flatworms
    Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Bocas del Toro. Instructors: Marcela Bolaños, Sigmer Quiroga. July 2014, Bocas del Toro, Panama
    Molecular phylogenies
    National Museum of Natural Sciences Society. Instructor: Maite Aguado. June 2014, Madrid, Spain


    Analyzing urban biodiversity data using mBrave
    June 2019, Trondheim, Norway
    BIG4 'Between Business and Academy'
    April 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria
    BIG4 'Historical Biogeography and diversification analyses'
    November 2017, La Palma, Spain
    BIG4 'Morphology of invertebrates – 3D imaging and novel approaches for biosystematics'
    May 2017, Vienna, Austria
    BIG4 'Field entomology'
    June 2016, Podyjí National Park, Czech Republic

Reviewer for international journals

    Cahiers de Biologie Marine
    Ecology and Evolution
    Environmental DNA
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
    Insect Conservation and Diversity
    Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK
    Mediterranean Marine Science
    Metabarcoding and Metagenomics
    Molecular Ecology
    Molecular Ecology Resources
    Species Diversity


    Advanced Open Water Diver
    September 2005